Active Shooter Training for Armed and Unarmed Campuses

Planning a Response to an Active Shooter Situation by Unarmed Campus Agencies

Designed for Command Level Staff Members of Unarmed Campus Security, Public Safety, or Police Departments

D. Stafford & Associates has developed a training course designed for supervisory and administrative level employees who have responsibility for developing and implementing plans and response protocols and/or who may be leading or overseeing such a response at the tactical or administrative level. Our associates who developed this course have various instructor level certifications, which include being instructors for Active Shooter Response through the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA); Instructors in Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (IRTB) through DHS; and are trained in Behavioral Threat Assessment.

The planning recommendations for response to an active shooter incident that are presented in this course are based on an all-hazards approach. This 20-hour course will assist an unarmed department in understanding the basics of active shooter response by armed law enforcement agencies who may have a longer response time than the unarmed campus police/public safety department and how the unarmed agency can facilitate an appropriate response, prevent loss of life, and provide intelligence and information to the appropriate stakeholders. This course covers all of the aspects of a response to this type of incident and assists the campus department in developing a response plan that facilitates the stabilization of the incident and can integrate into the response plans of the other responding agencies.

Training for response to an active shooter incident has become a necessity for armed campus agencies, and is predominantly a requirement for municipal agencies where the campuses are located. Unarmed departments must also prepare for this type of potential incident and there has not been focus on training unarmed departments, be it police, public safety or security, about what their agencies can do to prepare to respond to an active shooter on their campuses. This course is designed to fill that void.

Typical training programs facilitated by experts in the field primarily focus on the tactics of an armed response. The unarmed campus department personnel may already be on the scene at the time of an incident, and will be expected to assist with the overall public safety response. The training provided by this course will be modular, to allow departments to adapt some or all of the concepts into their existing policies, protocols and training programs.

Planning a Response to an Active Shooter Situation by Armed Campus Agencies

Designed for Command Level Staff Members of Armed Campus Security, Public Safety, or Police Departments

D. Stafford & Associates has developed a training course designed for supervisory and administrative level employees who have responsibility for developing and implementing plans and response protocols and/or who may be leading or overseeing such a response at the tactical or administrative level. Our associates who developed this course have various instructor level certifications, which include being instructors for Active Shooter Response through the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA); Instructors in Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (IRTB) through DHS; and are trained in Behavioral Threat Assessment.

The planning recommendations for response to an active shooter incident that are presented in this course are based on an all-hazards approach. This 20-hour course will assist an armed department in understanding the basics of active shooter response by armed law enforcement agencies including the tactics of an armed response and how the agency can facilitate an appropriate response in cooperation with municipal law enforcement partners, prevent loss of life, and provide intelligence and information to the appropriate stakeholders. This course covers all of the aspects of a response to this type of incident and assists the campus department in developing a response plan that facilitates the stabilization of the incident and can integrate into the response plans of the other responding agencies.

Training for response to an active shooter incident has become a necessity for armed campus agencies, and is predominantly a requirement for municipal agencies where the campuses are located. The training provided by this course will be modular, to allow departments to adapt some or all of the concepts into their existing policies, protocols and training programs.

To obtain a scope of work that includes a description and cost of any of these services, or to invite D. Stafford & Associates to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide these services, contact or call (302) 344-5809 to discuss any of these services and/or a customized scope of work.