Organizational and Security Assessment Services

Organizational, Arming, Physical Security, and Vulnerability/Threat Assessments

Campus Police/Public Safety/Security Management Studies and Organizational Assessments

D. Stafford & Associates has extensive experience in security, law enforcement, and higher education administration which allows our team to conduct management reviews and organizational assessments of police, public safety, and security organizations on college and university campuses. We will conduct a review of the institution’s police, safety, and/or security function(s) and make recommendations and suggestions, as needed, in light of best practices and industry standards.

Depending on the scope of the review (and whether the review is conducted proactively or in response to a specific challenge, issue, or concern), the goals of the management study may range from a review of the department’s operations to human resource practices; staffing issues; policies, procedures, and operating practices; analysis of personnel, training, and equipment; effectiveness of the performance and operation of the organization; and the existence and effectiveness of the organization’s community policing strategies for the campus.

Arming Assessment (Campus Police/Public Safety/Security)

D. Stafford & Associates (DSA) conducts arming assessments for colleges and universities with unarmed agencies, both sworn and non-sworn, to determine whether institutions should consider transitioning the campus agency to an armed department, as permitted by State code or regulation. As part of this type of review, DSA can also review and provide guidance regarding non-sworn agencies that are considering a transition of the agency to a sworn department. DSA conducts a professional, objective, and high-level review of potential need and capacity for the agency to become armed (and sworn, when requested by the institution). This type of review typically requires a limited organizational assessment/management study to assess the current capacity for implementing sworn and/or armed officers. If the decision is made to transition the agency to a sworn and/or armed agency, DSA can make specific recommendations that would facilitate a successful implementation.

Physical Security Assessments

D. Stafford & Associates will evaluate the physical security systems and infrastructure (security cameras; access control; and alarm systems) of your residential, academic, and administrative facilities and the security and safety related policies regarding the physical security of the institution. DSA will also use principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in the assessment of the physical security of the campus. DSA will make recommendations and suggestions, if required, in light of best practices and industry standards.

The physical security assessment and the vulnerability and threat assessment complement each other, as physical security measures are often used as one of the means to prevent, deter, or mitigate the most significant threats and vulnerabilities that are identified.

Vulnerability/Threat Assessments

The Department of Homeland Security says: “College and University campuses are of special concern in the national effort to prevent and deter acts of terrorism and to enhance preparedness for response to incidents. Campuses are unique entities that encompass many elements that make them attractive for terrorist operations or as targets of terrorist attack; among these elements are such issues as the presence of sensitive research material, potentially hazardous substances, controversial research projects, classified information, international populace, and high profile dignitaries and/or events.”

D. Stafford & Associates can also assist our clients by conducting a Vulnerability/Threat Assessment. The threat assessment focuses on the potential threats to the infrastructure and assets of the campus. The vulnerability assessment identifies institutional assets that are at greatest risk of attack. DSA will conduct these assessments and will assist the campus in analyzing the results and identifying next steps for the institution, including areas that require prevention, deterrence, mitigation, and development of specific plans to be included in the institution’s overall Emergency Response Plan.

The physical security assessment and the vulnerability and threat assessment complement each other, as physical security measures are often used as one of the means to prevent, deter, or mitigate the most significant threats and vulnerabilities that are identified.

To obtain a scope of work that includes a description and cost of any of these services, or to invite D. Stafford & Associates to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide these services, contact or call (302) 344-5809 to discuss any of these services and/or a customized scope of work.